What to do in a major chemical emergency

Hazmat Truck AccidentA chemical emergency is any event which releases a hazardous chemical into the environment.  This could happen in many different ways, some are a car or truck accident, a train accident, or a spill in a manufacturing plant.  Some ways you may be notified are radio, television, Guernsey County Citizen Alert, or door to door notification.  Below are some tips to help you be prepared if this kind of emergency were to happen.

  • Listen to radio broadcasts for instructions.
  • If instructed to shelter-in-place, take your family, pets, and disaster supplies kit and go indoors immediately.
  • To avoid vapors that sink, go to an above ground room with the fewest windows.
  • Close and seal all windows, doors, or exhaust vents.
  • Turn off heating and air conditioning units, and fans.
  • Close fireplace damper.
  • Close shades and blinds and stay away from windows.
  • Listen to local radio stations for further instructions.

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Be sure that you are registered on the Guernsey County Citizen Alert System.  This system enables public officials provide warnings to citizens regarding emergencies in their area.  You decide how you wish to receive the warnings (text messaging, home phone, work phone, etc.)  There are additional opt-in messages that you can receive such as National Weather System, non-emergency messages from agencies such as the Guernsey County Emergency Management Agency.  You decide what information you would like to receive.  This is a free service to the community.  To get registered click here or call Guernsey County EMA at 740-432-9292.

SKYWARN Training

Fred McMullen, National Weather Service-Pittsburgh instructs SKYWARN to a group of citizens at the Guernsey County Emergency Operations Center
Fred McMullen, National Weather Service-Pittsburgh instructs SKYWARN to a group of citizens at the Guernsey County Emergency Operations Center

Thank you Fred McMullen of the National Weather Service-Pittsburgh for putting on another successful SKYWARN Program at the Guernsey County Emergency Operations Center.  This is a great program from the National Weather Service.  It is a great tool to assists citizens in becoming partners with both the National Weather Service and their County Emergency Management Agency.  By becoming the eyes and ears for these agencies, you are helping to get early warnings to people that could be in danger and initiating a quick response in assistance to those that are impacted.

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Want to know how you can help in your community during and disaster/emergency call the Guernsey County Emergency Management Agency at 740-432-9292 or send an email to ema@guernseycounty.org.

SKYWARN Spotter Training

SKYWARNThe Guernsey County Emergency Management Agency is offering a program designed to help residents identify dangerous storm systems.

Skywarn, a National Weather Service program is offered in Guernsey County every few years.  The program is used by the National Weather Service to collect reports of severe weather from local residents.  Essentially, it is designed to give the National Weather Service a network of reporters in this area.  This information is then used to verify watches, warnings, and forecasts.

The class will teach people to recognize different storms, and will also provide information for how to report storm damage to the National Weather Service.   You can also use information from this training to help the Guernsey County EMA identify areas of concern in our county after a storm.

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A Skywarn storm spotter class will be held in Guernsey County at 9:00 am on Saturday, April 18th at the Guernsey County Administration Building.  The class is free and open to the public.  Since seating is limited, we do ask that you call the Guernsey County EMA at 740-432-9292 or send us an email at ema@guernseycounty.org to let us know that you are planning on attended.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for the Guernsey County Citizen’s Alert System. Subscribing to the notification system will help ensure that you are getting the information you need to be safe during an emergency.  Click here to register for this free program or contact Guernsey County EMA at 740-432-9292 or email ema@guernseycounty.org for more information or assistance.

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